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Prologue: Apostacy & Heresy


It all started with a brave craftsman possessing the power of geo in his mallet, who built the Sunlit Forge from sand and mud, who became a legend, and who earned the title 'Khan of Steel' for becoming an artist of blades before the age of thirty.

Khen of the Gungnir clan.

For centuries it has been known that the firstborn child, bearing the blood from a new generation of Gungnir, is to learn and master the craft before the end of their youth.

Forever it was tradition... until a handsome, intelligent and talented young man strayed from the forge-

"But Uncle Ophir, aren't you already a blacksmith?"

The evening fire flickered and crackled.

Twenty children sat on stone benches in Sumeru's plaza with wide and curious eyes.

All gathered in a semi-circular fashion, the children surrounded a fiery-haired blacksmith with a robotic arm plucking the strings of a guitar.

"I ain't just any blacksmith, Omar. My talent in crafting weaponry is beyond compare; that's why I must master new-"

"But Uncle Ophir... Don't you like hitting stuff with your arm?" Another child interrupted, pausing the smith's background music.

"Noora. As much as you are adorable... You gotta work on bein' specific, aight lass? Being cute won't get you far. An' to answer your question... Yeah, I do." Ophir grinned and scuffled Noora's golden hair with his right arm.


The craftsman adjusted the guitar's strings and resumed his self-narrative.

"Carrying on... My reason for leaving the city of scholars was a simple desire to learn more than just craftsmanship, the desire to expand my knowledge of ancient history set me off on a six-month journey, and I returned inspired! Everyone knows that field research and expeditions are the best way to gain insight."

"I didn't know that..." A boy called out, raising his left arm.

"Well, if you listened more often, Hasan, you'd 'ave known. I'll give you some more verbal learnin' practice tomorrow, aight lad?" Ophir replied with a warm and friendly smile.

"Alright..." Hasan lowered his arm.

"Ahem... Where was I... Ah, that's right, I-"

"Graduated from the academy, travelled across Teyvat, made five weapons, became a renowned weaponsmith, earned the title of 'Sunlit Craftsman' and decided to take over Sunlit Forge, making remarkable but costly weapons and armour."

An elegant lady with stylish lime-green hair, wearing a monocle, donning a professor's attire, and holding a grimoire pushed herself off the wall she was leaning on, then slapped her book shut and stared at the blacksmith with a smug look.

"I've heard this all before, Mr Gungnir."

Ophir's brow furrowed when locking eyes with his previous tutor, unintentionally snapping a guitar string.

"Tch... Since when did you become a stalker, Ms Vera Seshat?" He snarled.

Vera's smirk quickly widened, "Well, I make it a habit to keep tabs on certain pupils a few years after they graduate."

"Oh joy, I'm one of your victims."

The blacksmith noticed his now damaged instrument and sighed deeply.

"Welp, kids, story time's over."

A collective sound of childish jeers forced Ophir to make a weak smile.

"I know, I know. But there ain't a point of tellin' a story that's jus' been spoiled," the smith declared, then glared at Vera, "Am I right?"

The professor in question rolled her eyes and watched Ophir apologize to the children, each sending them home in groups of four.

"I never knew you had a soft spot for children, Mr Gungnir," Vera remarked.

"I must say you are quite the entertainer considering how invested those children were in that story."

"That a compliment or an insult?" Ophir grumbled, snuffing out the fire leaving only the moonlight illuminating the sand-stone pavement.

"It was just an observation, Mr Gungnir-"

"What're you doin' 'ere, Vera?"

Ms Seshat immediately lost her smile, and the air quickly tightened.

"Right. Now I'm here to convey a message from the higher-ups that-"

"Y'mean the God of Wisdom, aye?"

"...Yes, I do. The Dendro Archon has averred that Ophir Gungnir is no longer a graduate of Sumeru Academia and has nullified their degree in geology and ancient history."

The smith watched an island floating in the sky eclipsed by moonlight.

"On what grounds?" he asked.

"You have been found guilty of unorthodox practices," Vera answered.

Ophir exhaled slowly and hung his head.

"You knew this would happen, Ophir. I advised against putting those weapons on public display--"

"I know."

"--and made you aware of the consequences."

"I know."

Vera's face began showing anger.

"So you willingly sacrificed your academic status of being an intelligent, talented, successful geologist and craftsman, just so you could express your opinion!?"


Vera took a deep breath.

"Ophir... I have known you for three years, I have supervised your studies, I have taken time and effort, at your request, mind you, to mentor you personally when I could have been doing my own research... then you go and do this!?"

There was genuine concern in her tone, the sort of concern a teacher professes when their student has done something absurd with the knowledge they imparted on their pupil.

Ophir's most recent and significant project had caused an uproar among critics and indirectly encouraged many scholars to study the history of Teyvat to discover the gods' true nature.

But he smiled, "Welp. That's phase one done. Now onto phase-"

"You planned this!?" Vera yelled at Ophir.

"Don't you see that this affects me also!? That I'm partly responsible for making this absurd ideal you hold so close to a reality!?"

"Yes, an' I'm grateful that you taught me everything you knew about the history and geology of Teyvat."

"You better be grateful! I risked my career on convincing the God of Wisdom to leave your achievements in the archive!"

Ophir turned and faced his late tutor.

A sudden cold and static aura surrounded him as the moonlight reflected off his face, making his violet eyes glow in the dim-lit darkness.

"So as compensation for yer generosity, I'll tell you my end goal that will make Teyvat a thriving utopia!"

Ophir formed a menacing smile, raised his right hand in front of him, and spoke these words.

"If I'm to change this world... I have to slay the gods."




The noise echoed throughout the silent alleyways of Sumeru.

His teacher's basic instinct of fear and disgust left a pinkish-red mark on Ophir's left cheek.

"Y-You're insane...!" Vera stuttered, "Just... Why...?"

Ophir stayed quiet.

"I know you hate the gods, but--"

Ophir kept quiet still.

"--This is a joke, right? You're becoming irrational-!" Vera stepped back.

"My ideals... Must be... Seen through..."

With Ophir's cold and sharp voice, Vera hastily backed off into the darkened city of Sumeru.

Leaving her now dismissed student with a villainous smirk.

Chapter 1: Mutiny & Insubordination


The Sunlit Forge is the home of the Gungnir clan, built from the ground and moulded with mud and sand by Khen Gungnir. The name Gungnir has carried on since the end of the post Archon war.

The current owner Qebui, an elderly man with a neck-lengthed grey beard, dark skin, and a shaved head wearing a rugged vest top, beige shorts, and a battered blacksmith's apron, receives 2,000 mora and hands a well-made spear to his client with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr Gungnir! I am surprised to see you repaired my family heirloom so quickly!" the client credited.

"Oh, think nothin' of it! I'm happy to give my services to the spearfishers now 'n' then," Qebui said modestly, "I must ask, sir, how's your business doing in this weather? Surely this blistering heat means there aren't many fish to catch these days?"

"Oh no, Mr Gungnir, there was a plentiful bounty of bass yesterday! I'll share some with you if--"


*Clang! Clang! Clang!*


Qebui frowned as the metallic sounds ringed from inside the workshop area.

"Oh? Mr Gungnir, you've got an apprentice?"

The owner shook his head.

"That..." he sighed, "That's my grandson..."

Qebui looked down on the floor and sighed again.

"Ah... Ophir, right? I heard about the incident involving your son and daughter-in-law. You have my condolences..." the client placed his hand on Qebui's shoulder.

The metalling clanging became louder and louder until...




"Gargh-! You cursed gem-!"

A violet jewel within a golden frame lodged itself in the wooden door-frame behind Qebui as if thrown like a shuriken.

The owner sighed once more and composed himself shrugging the client's hand off his shoulder.

"You best get going, sir," Qebui insisted.

The client gave a sympathetic smile and left the room while closing the door behind him.

Qebui turned around and stared at the electro vision stuck in the door frame; steeled himself while pulling the vision out from the wood, then entered the workshop.

As Qebui walked through the door frame, he instantly saw the shattered remains of one of his durable hammers. He went to collect the pieces while spotting a boy curled up in the corner of the room, hugging his left arm in his chest, sobbing, either in pain or stressed.

"Ophir..." Qebui approached his grandson, "Did... Did you do this?"

"Yeah..? So what if I did..?" the youngster uttered.

Qebui inhaled and exhaled slowly, "You should take better care of these things, lad."

"Look, I'm sorry I broke it, aight..? It turns out the hammer wasn't enough to break that gem..."

The blacksmith weakly smiled and shook his head.

"I ain't mad 'bout the hammer. I'm shocked you managed to break this trusty mallet in just a few swings!"

Ophir raised his head a little, "Y-You are?"

"But I'm still mad at ya; I was talkin' about this little trinket. It would be best if you took better care of it. This badge was given to you by the archons--"

"--they can take it back! I never wanted it to begin with!"

Qebui was taken aback by Ophir's words.

A year ago, an incident happened in Liyue, or a slaughter perhaps, leaving Ophir as the only survivor out of twenty to forty people who fell victim to an abnormal stone-hide lawachurl. Out of the victims, his parents, Nerthus and Jonathan Gungnir, were among them. This tragedy left Ophir scared and vulnerable, having his only role models killed right before his eyes. During this incident, something changed in Ophir.

Qebui remembers that ever since he was a little brat, Ophir always smiled and assisted his grandfather with custom orders.

`He was a little boy genius when it came to the furnace,` Qebui thought.

But... since the event that took Nerthus and Jonathan's life, Ophir became silent... or rather unexpressive of his emotions, and replaced with only anger.

After the incident, Ophir was looked after by Hanfeng "Cold Blade" in a medical camp for a while until Qebui arrived to take Ophir home.

"You're sayin' you don't want this anymore?" Qebui asked.

Ophir looked at his grandfather with a stern and annoyed expression, "Course I want the one birthday present from the Seven that constantly reminds me that my parents are dead," Ophir said sarcastically, "Better yet, why not have the archons take my other arm too? They've already taken everything. Why not take some more, huh?"

"OPHIR GUNGNIR!" The owner bayed, "You shut yer trap this instant!"

Qebui firmly grabbed Ophir by the ear and made him stand up.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!"

"What can't take a little ear pinch? You lost yer arm, didn't ya? Surely you felt much worse!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, aight?"

Qebui let go of his grandson's ear and pushed the vision onto Ophir's chest while he sighed deeply.

"You should be grateful that the archons have taken a liking to you, boy."

"It... just... it doesn't make a lick of sense!" Ophir started tearing up, "Why'd the seven wait till the last moment..? Why'd my mom and dad have to die and have me be the only survivor? It ain't fair..!"

Qebui kneeled and wiped the tears from his grandson's eyes.

"Aye lad, I dunno either... Maybe you can ask the gods once you meet them?"

"Okay..." Ophir's weakened sobbing continued as Qebui pulled his grandson into an embrace.


A year passes...

It is currently 4 am.

The sound of a door slamming quickly woke Qebui from sleep.

He rushed downstairs holding a hammer, ready to swing at intruders, but no thieves were at his doorstep, to his relief.

But instead, Qebui noticed a letter crumpled up and placed on his workbench when returning to bed.

He opened it, and it read.

`-Dear Grandfather-

I apologize for this sudden letter and the possible broken hinge on the door cause I slammed it shut. You should replace that old decaying wooden board, by the way.`

Qebui checked the shop door, and it was indeed old decaying wood and was undoubtedly ripped off one hinge.

He continued reading.

`I am not here if you have not figured that out already. I am off on a journey to inspire myself because I have been asking myself the same question over and over since my sixteenth birthday, what is my purpose in life? Don't worry, I will visit the gravestones of my mother and father on my way. I plan to walk all across Sumeru, and I hope that during the journey, I will return with a plan for myself. I do not know how long I will be gone, but I will return, see you again.

Until then.

-Ophir Gungnir-`

Qebui smiled.

"I hope you'll find what you're looking for..." A tear rolled down his cheek as he read the last words

`P.S. I will be fine also since you taught me martial arts since I was little, I am positive I will return unscathed.`

"Ya brat..."


The Gungnir clan. For many generations, the Gungnir name has been associated with blacksmithing and craftsmanship.

The line of Sunlit Craftsman is about to be cut as a tanned boy aged sixteen and dressed in a Sumerian garb and carrying a survival backpack stumbles across the damp, drenched, and muggy rainforest after two months of traversing Sumeru's harsh desert plain. Making occasional stops in a village or an oasis.

Ophir steadily moved throughout the rainforest's terrain, and his chin quickly met the ground from stepping on a mossy tree branch.

He instinctively reached out his arms to catch himself in the fall, but to no avail, as only one arm softened the blow. His left arm, to be precise.

"Uff..!" is the sound he made before his mind drifted into the unconscious.

"You are not worthy of my gift," an authoritative voice echoed, "I made a mistake believing you were destined for greatness." 

Ophir quickly opened his eyes.

He looked around, and as far as he could deduce, he was not lying on the floor in the middle of a rainforest.

Countless torii were surrounding him, the wind howled as if a storm was approaching, and most of all, there was no sign of life. Ophir was in another realm... or is this all in his mind? He cannot tell what is real or not.

"Mortal, you are to release your ambition and return it to me." 

A long dark purple-haired figure approached Ophir, yet it had no face, not a single trace of identity.

"My what? Ambition?" Ophir looked at the electro vision on his right hip, "Fat chance, I ain't handing this over to anyone until I know why I was given it."

"It was given by mistake." The figure said, "Son of Nerthus and Jonathan Gungnir, give me your vision, or I'll take it by force."

Ophir was confused. How would this figure know his name or anything about him?

"I'm pretty sure you ain't heard me," Ophir raised an eyebrow with a cocky smirk, "Fat. Chance."

"So be it."

The sound of a click, a swing, and the feeling of a warm but sharp sting in Ophir's neck jolted him awake in a cold sweat.


He clung to his neck, where the pain was before he woke.

There was no sign of blood, cut, or scar—just a warm slimy goo sensation in Ophir's left palm.

"Please, sir! Calm down! I just administered an ointment to your neck to ease your concussion; please rest."

Ophir looked to his left and saw a tan-skinned priestess who looked startled.

"I- Sorry... I had a nightmare just now..." Ophir's tone changed when he saw the woman looking after him while he was unconscious.

"It's okay, sir. Please lie your head back down and get more rest."

Ophir lay back down and turned to his side.

He seemed to be in a tent while the woman beside him dipped a towel in cold water, telling Ophir to roll onto his back while the damp towel soaks on his head. And he did just that.

`What was that nightmare about?` he wondered.

After a few moments of pondering...

An elder burst into the tent with a panicked expression.

"Amia, you must hide! The treasure hoarders have returned and are here to take your heirloom!"

"Oh no! But I have to watch over and nurse this man for a while."

`Hmm... treasure hoarders, eh?` Ophir stood up and strolled toward the elder.

"-Sir! Please lie back down-!"

"-Old man, have you got a spear lying around anywhere?"

The elder stepped back in awe.

For the first time, Ophir felt a need to do something to repay the priestess for nursing him.

"Wh-what?" The elder uttered

"Do you or not?"

The elder nodded and pointed to the weapon rack outside.


Ophir parted the tent doors and squinted his eyes while he emerged from the tent.

He grabbed a boar spear and inspected it for a while.

`Hmm... some rust has come around the spine end of this spear... nonetheless, it'll do.`

He promptly snapped the spear pole in half by kicking it and followed the commotion he assumed the treasure hoarders were making.


"Now, where's that beetle necklace, huh!?"


"I know you got it!"


"This is your last chance, old man!"

A treasure hoarder held a village elder by the collar, demanding payment of some kind.

The other village members could only watch as a defenceless old man took a senseless beating. 

"You're gonna tell me where you're hiding it!"

The hoarder threw the elder to the ground and repeatedly drove his foot into the villager's stomach.

"P-Please stop-! Gahh-!" The elder's plea for mercy was drowned out by countless demands and orders from the treasure hoarder leader.

"Tell me where you're hiding that necklace, old man!" The hoarder repeated this command.


"I know where they're hiding that necklace."

The hoarder stopped his onslaught. His foot was halfway from hitting the elder's stomach again.

"Who said that?" The hoarder frantically checked his surroundings and spotted a young adult with his left arm raised.

"Me. I did."

Ophir lowered his arm and shuffled through the crowd of stunned villagers to reach the treasure hoarder.

"At last, someone who's willing to tell me."

Ophir stood in front of the hoarder.

"What's your name?"



As Ophir began introducing himself, the treasure hoarder drove his hand into Ophir's stomach.

"I actually don't care..." the hoarder whispered to Ophir, "We're only here for that necklace, and we ain't leaving this camp without it. I don't give a damn about your name."

Ophir stood there, slouched over from the hoarder's punch to his stomach.

The hoarder looked puzzled at Ophir's silence. He swung back his fist and drove it back into Ophir's stomach.


"You don't wanna be like that geezer there, do you?" The hoarder whispered as he drove his fist into Ophir's stomach again.


"Help us out and tell us, won't you-"

"Name's Ophir. And that necklace you're talkin' bout' is in a tent at the far east of this village."

"Boys, go to that tent!" the hoarder yelled.

"Yes, boss!" Seven other treasure hoarders jogged past their leader and Ophir towards the tent.

"Thanks for--"

"Who said I'd let you through?"

A wall of electricity flashed in front of the other hoarders, blocking their path.


Another wall of electricity appeared before the villagers, then the wall began circling the closed area. Trapping both Ophir, the elder, and the treasure hoarders inside.


The lead hoarder's arm started to tremble and was slowly being pushed back. Ophir had caught the punches to his stomach.

A purple glint caught the hoarder's eye on Ophir's right hip. He soon began to dread the events that would quickly occur.


The hoarder fell back on his rear, noticed a spearhead impaled in his right thigh, and began shuffling away, hoping to gain some distance from Ophir, with the fear of death in his eyes.

The other treasure hoarders were still, stunned in place as if a devil had risen from the earth, so too were the villagers.

"You hafta know," Ophir corrected his posture, "I ain't a pushover like these peasants 'ere."

Ophir slowly stepped toward the treasure hoarder's leader.

"So I'm gonna give you a lesson in respect..."

He raised his left arm, and the hoarder screamed in terror.


Minutes later...

Eight treasure hoarders, all unconscious, were cuffed to a wooden pole on the outskirts of the village.

The villagers thanked Ophir for stepping in to save a village elder and gave him some supplies for his journey, but he refused.

"I owed the chief's daughter, and that's it."

He resumed his journey and entered the harsh Sumerian desert plains.


Two months passed...

"Thirsty..." Ophir mumbled, breathing heavily.

Ophir stumbled and faceplanted the sand beneath him as soon as he said that. He then slowly pushed himself back up and continued limping across the desert.

Ophir's sight soon became blurry, and a figure slowly came into view.

"You good there, sonny?"

Ophir squinted his eyes and grumbled.

"Aye, I getcha. You're on the verge of dying, aren't ya?"

"Who-?" Ophir murmured.

"Me?" The figure took shape. 

A man, middle-aged, who looked similar to Ophir's father, stood with his bare feet in the sand and hands hidden in his pockets.

"Why I'm yer great great great grand uncle!" The man announced, "Well, I'm Khen's brother, to be exact... Unnti Gungnir, in yer presence!"

Ophir shook his head and continued marching.

"I don't got time for pranksters, bug off..."

"Oh, but I got time for you, young lad!"

Unnti stepped in front of Ophir, blocking his path.

"Oi..! Back off..!" Ophir yelled with a raspy and quiet tone, trying to push Unnti aside, but his arm phased right through, and he faceplanted the sand once again.

"Damn, you are on the verge of dyin'," Unnti said and squatted above Ophir, observing him.

"Why're ya here, lad?" Unnti asked.

*Mumble Grumble Muffle*

Ophir's face was still dug in the sand until he rolled on his back and sighed.

"I must be losing it..." Ophir said to himself and sighed again, "I'm tryna find my purpose-"

Unnti burst out laughing.

"Hahahahaha! You're gonna be one with the sand by the time ye found yer callin'!" Unnti leaned forward and held his belly, laughing louder.

"What's so funny!?" Ophir sat up and glared at Unnti.

Ophir's ancestor exhaled slowly and wiped tears of joy from his eyes, "Aye, Aye... It's nary to worry about..."

Unnti composed himself, "So you've spent four months aimlessly wandering Sumeru, and you ain't found what you wanna do yet?"

Ophir hung his head.

Unnti was right, Ophir hadn't seen a hint or a sign of what he was destined for, but Ophir frowned when he realized something.

"How'd you know I've been at this for four months now?"

Unnti smirked, "I've been watching ya, Ophir."

His vision started getting cloudy, hazy, foggy.

"The poor young craftsman who had his loving parents stolen by the archons, the one who cries when he's alone in a room, who gets easily angered by even a mention of his parents or the archons, a lad who's lost... everything."

Ophir's mind began spiralling into darkness.

"Now... I think I know why you were chosen, Ophir."

Unnti's voice echoed in Ophir's head.

Suddenly, he was placed in a familiar realm.

Torii, howling wind, empty space, and a particular purple-haired figure.

"This- This is--"

"Yes, lad. You know this place, don't you?"

Ophir looked around; Unnti was not present. Only his echo could be heard.

"You see that figure there?"

Ophir looked in front of him. The familiar purple-haired figure was slowly approaching him.

"You know who that is, right?"

"It's-- it's--" Ophir stammered.

"Aye... Yes, that's the electro archon, the Raiden Shogun."

The figure suddenly shaped into an adult woman wearing a light purple kimono.

Ophir was about to reply, but Unnti spoke before him.

"You know... That purple trinket there. It's a sign..."

Ophir looked at his electro vision.

"It's a sign of power, strength, ambition, and... godhood."



The purple-haired figure stood before Ophir.

"Mortal!" The Shogun bellowed.

Unnti began giggling and time seemed to slow to a crawl.

"Lad, don't you want to change the outcome?"


Ophir noticed the figure speaking to him, but he could not discern it. He could only hear Unnti's echo.

"Look at your left hand, Ophir," Unnti whispered.

A dagger had appeared in Ophir's left palm.

"I'll repeat it... Don't you want to change the outcome?"

Ophir suddenly felt the urge to harm something, anything, to satisfy this rage, and so he did.

He plunged the dagger into the Raiden's chest as she stumbled back, falling to her knees.

"Good... Now show her how much pain she has caused you."

Ophir soon became consumed by the thought of exacting his revenge against the electro archon.

He approached the Shogun, stared at how helpless she was, grabbed her neck with his left hand, and tightened his grip.

"Excellent, Ophir, avenge your parents, avenge yourself, kill the archons."

While Ophir was strangling the Raiden Shogun, she struggled against his grip. The Shogun's eyes formed tears, causing Ophir to loosen his grip and stop choking the archon.

"Tch... Did she or any of the archons help you while your parents were being slaughtered, huh?" Unnti sounded displeased, "You hesitate too much, Ophir."

Unnti appeared behind the Shogun, holding a knife and slit the archon's throat.

"I- I--" Ophir took a step back and realized his deed.

"It's okay, lad," Unnti reassured his descendant, "It's over now..."

"Why- I-- What did I do-?" Ophir stared at the Raiden's lifeless body, blood gushing from her neck.

"Isn't this what you want? Don't you hate the Archons? Don't they deserve punishment for letting your parents die?"

"Yeah, but-"

"But what!?" Unnti raised his voice, "Tell me, Ophir!"

Ophir looked up at Unnti.

"But not like this..." Ophir whimpered.

Unnti sighed.

"I expected more from you, lad."


"Do you wonder why I mentioned godhood when referring to your vision?" Unnti mentioned, "We have the blood of a god, Ophir! We are destined for greatness! We are meant to become kings, leaders, dictators, monarchs... Archons."

Ophir could only stay silent as his ancestor explained that Gungnir is the name of a deity who held dominion over a section of Teyvat until he was struck down by the original Seven Archons.

"Gungnir wielded a spear that could pierce through anything! His might was unmatched until the Seven banded together and decided to end his glorious rule!"

Ophir finally spoke.

"Wh-What does this have to do with my purpose!?" Ophir yelled.

Unnti smirked.

"You must avenge Gungnir and take control of-"

"That's enough, Wraith! Cease your deeds and begone!" An authoritative bellow echoed throughout the realm.

"Filthy, meddling, snake..." Unnti bit his thumb while the ground quaked, "Remember these words, Ophir Gungnir!"

"Peace is a myth; only ambition holds true. Through ambition comes strength. Through strength comes power. Through power comes dominion. And with dominion comes Infinite Control."

Unnti disappeared like dust in the breeze.


Moments after...

The realm began to crumble and wither away, revealing the inside of a cavern. The ruins of a long-forgotten land.

Ophir fell backwards in awe. This land was not like anything he'd seen before.

The ruins were vast and looked way beyond ancient.

Nature had reclaimed its property as mossy green vines covered crumbling stone pillars and grassy-green hills stretched as far as the eye could see.

When the previous realm had corroded entirely, all that remained before Ophir were three tall pillars.

"Descendant of the heavenly spear!"

Ophir looked up and saw a tall young woman with light skin and long dark hair held together with a peculiar golden clip. This elegant woman sat above the pillar that towered over Ophir.

"Wh-Who- What are you-?"

The woman descended from the pillar like an eagle leaving its perch.

Ophir blinked. The woman had disappeared. He looked above and found the lady looming over him like a shadow. She stared closely, inspecting him... `closely` is an understatement...

Like how tigers circle their prey before pouncing, the woman studied Ophir but did not attack him, nor did she pounce like a lion.

"C-Can..." Ophir broke the awkward silence.

"Can I help you?" 

The woman gave a perplexed expression.

"You have no clue what just happened, do you?"

"I- wha-?"

"No matter," the woman took a step back and sighed, "I am surprised you have not succumbed to dehydration yet."

Just then, Ophir's throat felt like sandpaper, and he collapsed.

"Oh..." The woman watched Ophir dying of thirst, then briefly lifted him up and poured water into his mouth.

Ophir quickly gained consciousness and hastily jumped out of the woman's arms.

"The hell d'ya think yer doin', lady!? You ain't my mom!" Ophir shouted, seemingly full of energy.


"Don't-- ah!" The woman resumed inspecting Ophir.

"G-Get away from me!"

The woman stepped back.

"Descendant of the Heavenly Spear-"

"Just call me Ophir... saves you havin' to say that mouthful of a title..." Ophir gave the woman a squinted stare.

"Very well. Ophir. You were under an illusion by an evil manifestation of Gungnir's will and-"

"Yes... you made that clear when you called me a descendant of the heavenly-whatsitnot," Ophir interjected.

"Now, if you'll excuse me..." Ophir turned around, "Uhmmm...."

Ophir turned back around, facing the woman.

"Where's the exit?"

The woman stared at him blankly.

"I am beginning to doubt you being a descendant of a mighty and deadly god..."

"The hell's that supposed to mean!?"

The woman shrugged.

"You bare the blood of a god, but you are completely unaware of where you are."

"Ugh... Don't lump me in with those tyrants... I'd rather die than become a god," Ophir mumbled, "So can you tell me how to leave this place, or do I have to find it myself?"

"So you will leave without this?"

The woman revealed an amethyst trinket dangling from her right palm.

"Huh-?" Ophir checked his right hip before confirming what the woman had in her hand, "Wait-! That's mine. Hand it over!"

"Hmm... Let me think..." The woman mockingly twirled the vision on her index finger.

"I said, Hand it Over!" Ophir pounced to grab the vision, but the woman was already standing behind him as soon as he leapt.

"Give it..!" Ophir chased the woman who held his vision captive.


After an hour of playing cat and mouse...

The woman sat on one of the tall pillars, dangling the vision out of Ophir's reach while he yelled at her from the ground, like a dog barking up a tree.

The woman giggled to herself as she watched Ophir hopelessly try to climb the pillar after failing again and again.

"You amuse me, Ophir." The woman taunted.

"Oh great... What am I? Your personal jester or something? Ya damn hooter!" Ophir yelled from the ground.

"I do have a name. It's Nane."

"Lovely to know... NOW GIVE ME BACK MY VISION!!!"

Nane chuckled.

"Say, I will give you your vision back if you answer me this..."

"Hm..?" Ophir was halfway up the pillar.

"Do you know why you were given this vision?"

Ophir pondered for a moment.

"Scholars at the academy say visions are gifted to those whose ambition aligns with an archon's will or ideal depending on the element," he answered.

Nane tilted her head.

"So that means you have a similar will or ideal to the electro archon?"

Ophir frowned, "I don't know..." He remembered the look on the Raiden Shogun's face. A face of remorse, sadness, loneliness, grief, and fear.

"I saw the illusion you were trapped in, Ophir..." Nane spoke, "However, I could not hear what was said."

"You saw, huh?" Ophir lowered his tone into a vulnerable and sensitive child, the side of him he'd been hiding for two years.

"I remember feeling angry, like a sort of rage welled up within me," Ophir climbed down the pillar and sat on the ground, "I remember my parents, my mother, my father, how they cared for me when I hurt myself hammering steel."

Nane cupped her cheeks in her hand and leaned forward, carefully listening to Ophir vent his emotions.

"I wanted the Raiden Shogun to know what it felt like... being helpless, powerless... Alone."

Ophir smiled and began reminiscing memories of his parents.

"Hehe... I recall my mother scolding me for not going to bed on time. I'd always tell her ten more minutes... they were never ten minutes..." Ophir continued, "My father was strict with me, very strict actually..."

Nane slid off the pillar and sat down in front of Ophir.

"Father argued with grandpops a lot, saying I should go and play outside with other kids... He'd always want what's best for me. I never got the chance to thank him for looking out for me..."

Nane sighed, "Your parents sound nice. I imagine they are still watching over you."

"Yeah..." Ophir looked down and sniffed, "Nane..?"

"Yes, Ophir?" 

"The answer to your question... I think I felt the same grief the Raiden Shogun felt when she lost something important. Maybe that's why the vision manifested in my left hand on my fourteenth."

Nane sat up and placed the electro vision in Ophir's left palm.

"You have spoken your mind, Ophir. I return your vision to you."

"Thanks, Nane."

"Shall I escort you out then?"

Ophir stood up, "Yeah, I think I gotta get home."

Nane began walking towards the region's centre, "Have you found your purpose yet?"

Ophir walked alongside Nane, "I wanna become a scholar."

Nane raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Do you want to pursue academics?"

"Yeah, I wanna learn more about the archons and why they do what they do. I want to search into ancient history, and eventually, I'll get the power necessary to change Teyvat as a whole... make it so no more wars are necessary."

Nane gave a weak smile, "If only that were possible..."

Ophir looked around, "What's this place called?"

"Thaddah, once a thriving utopia for great beings like myself-"

Nane felt a slight tug on her garb.


"Sorry... it's just you look a little bit like my mom," Ophir said softly, "I couldn't help myself."

Nane sighed softly.


A few minutes later...

Nane had escorted Ophir outside of Thaddah. The desert wind rushed against Ophir's body.

"Nane..?" Ophir said.

Nane raised her head, showing Ophir had her attention.

"Before... Why were you so up close to me when we first met?"

Nane was thought for a while, then answered.

"Your face."

"My face?"

"It reminded me of a child I once knew, vulnerable, sensitive, and in need of someone to talk to."

"I reminded you of that child?"

Nane nodded.

"Yes, you had the same short temper as that child too, and silly hair." Nane chuckled.

Ophir stomped his foot, "I ain't a kid, y'know!"

Nane chuckled again, then sighed.

"This is farewell, Ophir Gungnir. May the-"

"Will I see you again?"

Nane smiled and shook her head, "I find it unlikely we will cross paths again," she said, "However, you have piqued my interest, Ophir. I shall watch you from afar from now on."

"Can't you leave Thaddah?" Ophir asked.

Nane shook her head again, "No. I can't. It's my duty to the God of the Woods to remain a guard here in Thaddah."

Ophir looked down but then looked back up.

"Thanks, Nane. I look forward to seeing you again sometime."

Ophir smiled and began running back to the Sunlit Forge.

"That child... I wonder what you'll do to change Teyvat, now knowing you bare the mark of a god."

With that, Nane entered a portal and closed it behind her.


*Knock! Knock!*

Ophir arrived home at the Sunlit Forge and knocked heavily on a wooden door. The moon was at its highest peak, meaning Ophir had come home at midnight.

*Knock! Knock!*

It took Ophir several minutes to realize the door was already unlocked, and on his last knock on the door, it creaked open.


Ophir covered his ears and cringed at the noise of the battered, old cedar door.

"The old man didn't even try to fix the door," Ophir whispered.

Ophir strolled inside the forge and entered the workshop, where he found his grandfather sitting on a stool, mindlessly staring at the anvil.

"Grandpops! I'm back!" Ophir embraced his grandfather.

Yet, Qebui didn't move at all, not even an inch.

"Old man-?"

"Ah... Qebui..."

A womanly, caring voice called out from atop the stairs.

Ophir turned his head and saw a woman nurse trotting down the stairway.

"You shouldn't come down here. It's dangerous with this many sharp-"

The nurse spotted Ophir embracing his grandpa.

Both Ophir and the nurse stared at each other.

"You're- You're back!" The nurse whispered.

"Who're you supposed to be?" Ophir questioned.

The nurse composed herself, ready for an introduction.

"I'm Phatima. Your grandfather Qebui has recently become ill and stopped speaking, we don't know what caused it or his illness, but I've been assigned to nurse him and take care of him."

Ophir was shocked.

Qebui has fallen ill? What happened while Ophir was absent?

"Oh..." Ophir slowly processed Phatima's words, "Well, I hope you're taking good care of him." 

Ophir let go of his grandfather and walked up the stairs but stopped.

"Once he recovers from his illness... tell him that I'm gonna become a student at Sumeru Academia and that I'm sorry..."

Ophir jogged up the stairs to his room and shut the door.

He had fully processed what he was told and came to a conclusion.

"I've lost another part of my family..?"

Ophir slid down to the floor and hugged his legs into his chest, staring at his left arm.

"I need to find a way to change this. And start again..."

Ophir, determined, stood up and sat at his workbench.

He quickly noticed something crucial he was missing to become a student.

"How do I become a scholar..?"

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